Keep Up With Todd M. Casey | Trekell Art Supply

Color Wheel Workshop - Online

Date: June - August 2022 (Saturdays) 8 SESSIONS
June 25th - Week 1: Laying out the color wheel
July 2nd - OFF
July 9th - Week 2: Value scale & Grey sphere
July 16th - Week 3: Red Sphere or Object
July 23rd - Week 4: Orange Sphere or Object
July 30th - Week 5: Yellow Sphere or Object
August 6th - Week 6: Green Sphere or Object
August 13th - Week 7: Blue Sphere or Object
August 20th - Week 8: Violet Sphere or Object

In this 8 week workshop you'll create an 18 step color wheel. You'll receive the notes on how to mix a light to dark version of every color which is the basis for rendering forms in a painting. Each week I will demonstrate how to mix the string and then we'll apply to it to a form through a simple exercise.

The demonstrations are recorded so students can go back and re-watch all of the demonstrations.

$350 full price with feedback - Click here to sign up
$300 for (Patreon subscriber discount) - Click here to sign up

$150 for View Only - Click here to sign up
$120 for View Only (Patreon subscriber discount) - Click here to sign up

Alumni of the workshop get a 50% discount if they choose to take the workshop a second time.

Monthly Demos on Patreon

For $12 monthly you'll receive, 4 new videos each month! (Sample Lime Demo above)